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March 09

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Gladys Simon also known as “Sio and Teacher Gladys” Of: Hermitage, St. Patrick who resided at Tivoli, St. Andrew, Passed away on: Tuesday 22nd February, 2011 At the age of: 96

She was the mother of: Alda Thomas- a retired teacher, Brenda and Richard Simon in the USA

Adopted mother of: Aswel Williams in the USA

Grand mother of: Donareve Simon, Hazelann Thomas Robinson and Frances Thomas Collingwood all in the USA

Great Grand mother of: Ceejay, Kayva, Kera,Travis and Clevon Alexander

Aunt of: Margaret Peli, Easlyn Peters and Agatha Peters in Trinidad

Mother in law of: Morgan Thomas

God mother of: Many

Other Relatives and friends include: Lucille Swan, Verona Modeste and family, the Belfon family at Hermitage, Denise Mason and family, Sophie Solomon and family, Agnes Charles and family, Patsy Bhola, Una Williams, Rose Courtney, Father Lawrence Ebuk ,members and Congregation of Sacred Heart Parish of Tivoli, Friends and neighbours of Hermitage and Tivoli


Joseph Jerome also known as “Dajoe” Of: Top Hill, Carriacou, Passed away on: Thursday 3rd March, 2011, At the age of: 104

He was the Father of: Alverna Mc Kenzie and Lenny in the USA, Iolina Shade, Francis Jerome, Josephine Alexis, Victoria St. Louis also known as “Laffie”, and Alma Roberts in the UK, Vanella Bain employed at Dico Industry, G’da, Alice Arthur, Olga Nelson and Alcina Jerome Mitchell

Grand Father of 74 including: Joyce Compton, Juliette Alexis, Gordon St. Louie, Verolyn Adams, Simon Nelson, Yvonne Jerome, Olga and Joycie Jerome, Clyde and Chris Jerome, Daniel, Neal, Nakisha Neslon, Sonia George & Debra Mason

Great Grand Father of: 83

Great great grand father of: 36

Adopted father of: Lorna Mc Intosh

Adopted grand father.: Sade (Sha-day)

Father in law of: Cosmos Robert, Ricky Shade, Marie Jerome, Mary Jerome-Ray, Sebastian Bain, James Arthur, Cyril Nelson and Jerome Ray

His Caretaker: Theresa John

Many other relatives and friends and including: Verant Compton, Merika Jerome, Joel Mason, Brian George, Freddie Moses, Karen Nelson, Selwyn George, Sharlene and Ruthlyn Jerome, Vandy Berg Adams, the Andrew, Boatswain, Lawrence, Douglas, Moses, Stafford and Isaac families of Carriacou, Antoine family in Grenada, Social Workers, the Ministry of Carriacou and Petite Martinique Affairs, Hon. George Prime and Hon. Elvin Nimrod, friends and neighbours of Top Hill, Carriacou and surrounding areas



Anne Teracita Edwards also known as “Sheila” Of: La Fortune, St. Patrick who resided in the UK, Passed away on: Friday 4th March, 2011 in the UK, At the Age of: 72

She was the mother of: David John employed at the Ministry of Agriculture - Fisheries Division, Lennox Richardson - manager of Hubbards Lumber Department, Augustine also known as “Gussy” in Trinidad, Denise, Gloria, Reginald and Lisa in the UK

Grand mother of: Adrian , Sheena, Iona, Dellia, Dillion and Delicia

Great grand mother of: Courtney, Amya and Nikki

Sister of: Evadnie & Edward in the UK, Lynda & Judith, George & Harold in Trinidad

Mother in law of: Beverly and Carol

Sister in law of: Newman

Aunt of many including: Sylvia Lestrade & Ian

Niece of many including: Sylvia La Mothe, Vero & Teril

Other relatives and friends include: the Richardson, John, Edwards, Downes, Glasson & Hercules families, Emma Victor & Mrs Audrey in the UK, friends and neighbours of La Fortune, La Mode, Duquesne and Mardigras



Franklyn Theodore St. Bernard Bullen also known as “Bernard Bullen”- JP, OBE, Former Senator and CEO of Vena Bullen and Sons Of: Craigston, Carriacou, Passed away on: Friday 4th March, 2011 At the age of: 70

He was the Husband of: Glenna Scott Bullen

Father of: Ian and Brendan Bullen

Brother of: Oliver, Lyle, Roland, Vincent, Martin, Gloria, Leonora and Emmanuel

Uncle of many

Other relatives and friends including: the Joseph and Brathwaite families, the Stiell families of L’Esterre and Windward, the Bullen family of Grenada, friends and neighbours of Craigston and surrounding areas



Eliza Emelda Calliste Jones also known as “Mellies” Of: Felix Park, St. Andrew, Passed away on: Saturday 26th February, 2011

At the Age of: 90

She was the Mother of: Winston Hall, Nesta Lewis and Hazel James in G’da, Cecil Hall in the UK, Daphne Thomas, Algernon Hall and Raphael Hall in the USA

Grand mother of 40 including: Stephanie Charles, Rodney Hall, Betty Ann Jacob, Jennifer James, Indra Hall, Tonia Telesford, Anson James, Kim Thomas, Kiera, Jay, Ketrina and Ketton Hall

Great grand mother of: 50

Sister of: Julien Darius in the USA

Mother in law of: Clayton Steele, Winston James and Rita Hall in G’da, Don and Franca Hall in the USA, Sonia Hall in the UK

Grand mother in law of: 10

Her Caretaker: Tessa Brizan

Other relatives and friends including: Letisha James and family of Mama Cannes, Hall family of Retreat, Glenda Thomas, Margaret Horsford, Sarahlyn- Thomas, Dr. John Layne, Cuthbert Mc Queen, Calliste and Jones family, friends and neighbours of Felix Park, Mama Cannes and Surrounding areas



Emelius Dumont also known as “Tallboy, Big Joe and Papa” Of: Mirabeau who resided at Soubise, St. Andrew, Passed away on: Sunday 6th March, 2011, At the age of: 81

He was the father of: Moureen Williams

Step father of: Eugene Collymore and Veronica Lambert

Adopted father of: Jeremiah Bethel -a well known Bus Conductor of zone six, Kent Neckles a student of St. Andrew Methodist School and Claudia Hagley

Brother of: Augustina “Bubus” Frederick

Adopted grand father of: Delisha Neckles

Grand father of: 6

Uncle and grand uncle of many including: Henry Harvey, Helen Paul, Baby love and Warp

Other Relatives and friends including: Desmond Punch and family, the Hopkin family of Grand Bras, the Dumont family of Balthazar and Mirabeau, the Thomas family in Grenada, the Mitchell, Charles and Stewart families of Soubise, Henry, Sandy and Paul Families, Pastor and members of Soubise and Richmond Seventh Day Adventist Church, Friends and neighbours of Soubise



Francis Elvis DeRoche Of: Petite Martinique, Passed away on: Saturday 5th March, 2011 At the age of: 45

He was the Son of: Cornella DeRoche

Husband of: Lucy Mitchell-DeRoche

Father of: Travis, Trevon, Melissa, Elesia and Angel

Brother of: Errol, Eldon, Clyde, Russell, Vern, Clarecelia, Irene, Zita, Antionette, Yolande, Vanella and Luanne

Nephew of: Patterson, Cicely, Vestin, Thelma and Susie

Uncle of: 27

Brother in law of: Angel, Violet, Thilda, Merlene, Fiona, Bernard, Norbert, Adrian, Shawn, Aldon and Desmond

Other relatives and friends including: TC, Boris Horsford and family, Matthew, Hollis, Lyle, Management and Staff of Alex Swan and Southern Fisherman Assoc., Fishermen of Petite Martinique, the Seamen and Waterfront Union, Godfrey, Linus, Geoffrey King, friends and relatives of Mt. Parnassus and Petite Martinique



Jane Cato Grayson Of: Loretto, Gouyave Estate, St. John, Who passed away on: Sunday 6th Marc h , 2011 At the Age of: 86

She was the Mother of: Pamela Gill, Lloyd, Dennis, Desmond and David Cato, Dale Cato-Duncan and Theresa Cato-Baptiste

Grand Mother of 30 including: Patricia, Paul, Paula and Subrina Gall, Abegail Mitchell, Albert and Osbert Cato, Aloma McPhie, Natisha Benjamin, Martina Baptiste, Anika Duncan and Sharnel Martin

Great Grand Mother of 13 including: Shireen Charles, Renesha Bowen, Mikhalia Baptiste, Suede Gall and Asheba Mopson

Mother in law of: Everest Duncan, Laurie Baptiste, Erma Raymond Cato, Joycelyn Cato, Veronica McPhie

Grand Mother in law of: Alvin McPhie and Jennifer Cato

Several Nieces and Nephews including: Henry Scoon, Odessa Thomas, Jermain John, Myrtle Cato and Claire Dragon

Many Other relatives and friends including: Nurse Laura Joseph, Terrie Benjamin, Eileen Mason, Joe-Ann Dominique, Nora Boney, Clementina Barry, Pasty Francis, the Diabetic Community of Gouyae, the Mothers’ Union and members of St. John’s Anglican Church, the Medical Team of Florida and Gouyave Health Centre, Pastor Mathena and members of the Gouyave Estate Faith Independence Baptist Church and Loretto Seventh-day Adventist Church, friends and family of Gouyave Estate, Gouyae, Grand Anse, Happy Hill, Maran and Clozier



Benedict Lawson Charles also known as “Tomato Man” - a well known farmer Of: Pearls who resided at Telescope, St. Andrew

Passed away on: Sunday 6th March, 2011 Aged: 59

He was the husband of: Alison Charles

Brother of: Leroy, Lesley, Parry, Walter also known as “Lazarus”, Renrick, Livingston Nelson, Denise, Joycelyn and Adeltris

Nephew of: Minnie Charles

Uncle of many including: Lemo, Kitaf, Laurie-ann, Leeana and Shawn

Brother in law of many including: Cheryl, Jennifer, Lauris, Hutson and John

Son in law of: Wesley and Cynthia Richards of Woburn

Other Relatives and friends including: The Pastor and members of Church of God Seventh Day, Simon, Woodlands, Rose Hill and Carriacou, Percy and Christine McIntosh, the Charles family of Pearls, Shirley Fortune and family,Winston Pangboy Richard ,the farming Community of the Paradise Model farm, St. George’s Market vendors & his much valued customers, neighbours and friends of Tivoli, Pearls, Simon and Telescope



Inda Agatha Jones Of: Grand Bras, St. Andrew reside in the United Kingdom, Passed away on: Tuesday 1st March, 2011

She was the Sister of: Ann Robertson in Grenada, Annie Robertson in the USA and Elmina Jones in Canada

Sister in law of: Theresa Wyse in the UK, Monica Regis in Greanda and Aaron Jones in Canada

Many nieces and nephews, other relatives and friends including: The Jones and Robertson families of Grand Bras, Stanley St. Clair, Raymond Palmer, Cleo St. Clair and family, the Julien family of Salisbury Road, Anestesia Harvey and family, George and Agnes Lowe, Bernice Gordon, Julien, Billy and Wyse families in the UK, Bernadette Joseph, friends and neighbours of Grenada and the UK


Jocelyn Lucas Andall Of: Mt. Williams, St. Patrick, who resided in the Bocas, St. George, Who passed away on: Sunday 6th March, 2011 At the Age of: 63

Left to mourn are:

Many Brothers and Sisters

including: Peter Andall of Andall & Associates, Earle, Angella and Alitha in Grenada, Merle in Canada, Emma, Dan, Dunstan, Anastha, and Jude in the USA, Miriam also known as “Sister” in England, and Gloria in Trinidad

Sister in law of: Winston Jones in the USA

Many Nieces and Nephews including: Sharon, Nisha, Abigail, Bria, Monique, Corinne, Kristie, Jeneline, Marcus, Dorian, Devon, Wendell, Kwan, Neykisha Thomas

Many Cousins, Other relatives and

Close friends include: Coslyn, Joy, Ethlyn, Sharon and Derril, Evadney Thomas, Matron Fabiolla Church, friends and neighbours of Mt. Williams, St. Patrick and the Bocas, St. George



Elizabeth Thomas Of: La Fillette, St. Andrew, Passed away on: Sunday 6th March, 2011 At the age of: 72

She was the Mother of: Catherine, Raymond also known as “Leggie”, Christine in Barbados, Claudia in Trinidad, Trevor also known as “Callparo”employed with Hubbards, Dickson also known as “Gigga or Cocoa”, Lennon alsoknown as “Buenos”, Richard also known as “Messie or Bigman” and Naomi district Nurse attached to Grand Bras Health Center

Adopted mother of: Susan, Debra, Yvonne, Margaret, Lisa, Jude Jack butcher at St. George’s Market, Basil Bernard and Inspector Sherinton Thomas both members of the RGPF, Michael, Ian also known as “Dragon”, Pat, Donnel, Redman also known as “Calvin”, Verna, Winston, Yoland, Alvin, Omega employed with True Blue Bay Resort and Maurice

Sister of: Margaret - Principal at St. Matthew’s R C School, Sonia in England, Wilma and Vicklyn in the USA, St. Clair in Trinidad, Alister, Curtis and Winston

Aunt of 17 including: Andrea, Maria, Curtis and Reginald

Niece of: Everest Thomas also known as “Barba”, Lorine Smith of Conference and Alberta in Trinidad

Grand mother of 22 including: Paul, Gail, Portia, Katesha, Kathyann, Renelle, Richard, Akim, Tia and Tara

Sister in law of: Adrian Wilson

Mother in law of: Paula, Hilda, Dale, Beverly, Patsy, Joslyn, Reginald Matthew in Trinidad and Alister Barriteau

Other relatives and friends including: Nell, Clovis of Grand Anse, Robert family of La Taste, La fillette and Sabb, Thomas family of La fillette, Paraclete and Grand Bras, Lambert and Coxall family of Grand Bras, Alexander family of Birchgrove, Joseph family of Mirabeau, Williams family of Sabb, Noel family of Soubise, Jones family of Byelands, Ambrose & Lewis family of La Fillette, Members of Mirabeau Pentecostal Church, Neighbours and Friends of La Fillette



Rupert Peters also known as “Woodnat” of: Marquis, St. Andrew - a well known trafficker, Shop Keeper at Grenville and a member of the NDC, Who passed away on: Monday 7th March, 2011 At the age of: 78

He was the Husband of: Angella Peters in Trinidad

Father of: Avis, Cecil & Tony in the USA, Calvin, Ann Marie, Dennis and Desmond in Trinidad, Dexter in Grenada

Grand Father of Many include: Ronda - Jr. Gold Medalist & former Olympian, Renesia, Brent, Kim, Giselle, Simone, Joshua, Crystal, Chantel, & Malik

Great Grand Father of: 4

Brother of: Nell in the USA, Yvonne - a well known tourist vendor

Brother in Law of: Wilmoth Vincent

Nephew of: Estlyn

Nephew in Law of: Agnes Peters

Many other relatives and friends include: the Peters, Roberts & Vincent families, Hon. Tillman Thomas, Hon. Peter David & Hon. Patrick Simmons, the business community, friends and neighbours of Marquis & surrounding areas


Benedict Macauley Duncan also known as “Brother Mark” Of: Duquesne, St. Patrick, Passed away on: Wednesday 16th February, 2011, At the age  of: 78

He was the Husband of: Cecilia Ann Duncan - retired teacher of St. Patrick R C School

Father of: Dave, Nigel, Nicole, Annette and Adrian

Grand father of: 14

Brother of: Thelma Eugene, Lynessa David, Carol, Patsy Neckles, Denise, Murillo, Pamela, Lawrence and Michael Duncan, Joan Duncan, Mary Robinson, Gordon Swan, Larry Richards and John Baptiste

Father in law of: Elizabeth Duncan and Gregory Cato

Brother in law of many including: Lawrence, Author, Jorge (Her-hay), Yvonne, Patricia and Joan

Nephew of: Omina Calliste and Marjorie Delzin

Uncle of many

Many cousins, other relatives and friends including: The Ferguson family of Resource, Ettienne family of Duquesne, Frame and Prince families of Chantimelle, Vanela George and family, Bhola family of Samaritan, Peters family of Industry, Cryil Moukram, Alister Paryag, Mary Alexander, Father Chris and members of the Duquesne R C Church, friends and neighbours of Duquense and surrounding areas


Phillip Mathias Jeffrey also known as “Canter” Of: Lower St. John, St. Andrew, Passed away on: Friday 18th February, 2011 Aged: 86

He was the Father of: Justin and Erold in the USA, Cleo in Canada, Ann, Moses, Lydia, Tano employed at G. C. N. A, Hermitage, Denzil also known as “Sally”, Aslyn also known as “Man blue”, and Catherine also known as “Crissy”

Grand father of (45) including: Ron a member of the R.G.P.F,  Kelon, Lauren, Frank, Carol, Stacey, Keithlan, Crystal, Desmond  and Jeanelle

Great Grand father of: 64

Brother of: George, Cleman, Mondee and “Sister”

Uncle of: many

Father in law of many including: Catherine and Frances in the USA, Jenny in Canada, Elsa and Leslie

Other Relatives and friends include: Jeffrey family of River Sallee, Alexander, George, Tannis, Thomas, Stafford and John family of Hermitage & Callaloo, Calliste family of River Sallee and the Blackette of Union, St. Andrew, friends and neighbours of Lower St. John, St. Andrew



Winston Emmanuel Gilbert also known as “Bicks” Of: Marli, St. Patrick - Employee of St. George’s Bus Terminus, Passed away on: Wednesday 16th February, 2011 At the age of: 54

He was the Husband of: Loraine Gilbert

Father of: Kevon David, Akisha in Canada

Grand father of: 1

Brother of: Avis Mitchell in the USA and Kingston Gilbert in Canada

Nephew of: Joyce Munro, Veronica Halley, Hon. Joseph Gilbert, Louise Belfon, Monica Williams, Joan Belfon, Bevon and Pauline Sanderson, Kingsley and Linton Gilbert

Uncle of: Shervon, Kenson and Jamal

Brother in law of: Angela Gilbert and Selby Mitchell

Other relatives and friends including: Kitchener Gilbert and family, Patrice and family, Gloria Noel and family, Audrey Noel and family, Cecil “Power” John,

Loraine Regis and family, Mrs Nimrod and family, Gilbert family of Marli, Charles family of Rose Hill, Phyllis and Helen Gilbert, employees of the St. George’s Bus Terminus, friends and neighbours of Marli, Celeste and surrounding areas



Eileen Monica Iona Collier also known “Aunty Punce” Of: La Digue, St. Andrew, Passed away on: Sunday 20th February, 2011 At the age of: 76

She was the Mother of: Leo Telesford, Wilma Collier, Cleo Williams in the UK, Peter Collier, Elma Wilson, Thelma Collier in the USA, and Tessa Walker in the British Virgin Island

Sister of: Ineas Coutain, Mary Walcott in Trinidad, Pearl Mitchell in the USA and Eric Walcott

Grand Mother of 22 include: Lisa, Tracey and Rachael in the UK, Petrina, Vernel and Shanally in the USA, Richard, William, Rushel and Omar

Great Grand Mother of: 15

Mother in law of: Ruthven Williams in the UK, Anney Collier and Lennie Wilson

Sister in law of: Jomain in Trinidad , Rita Collier and Moureen Walcott

Aunt of: Many

Many other relatives and friends including: Mrs. Theresa Powlette, Miss Roselyn, Miss Thelma, Miss Doltress in the USA, Shannon, Tooks and family, the Walcott and Collier families, Ven Joseph and family, St. Cyr family of Richmond, Pastor and members of Richmond and Soubise S.D.A Church, neighbours and friends of La Digue and Surrounding areas


Lucille Mark also known as “Lucille Hutchinson” Of: Paradise, St. Andrew, Who passed away on: Sunday 27th February, 2011 Age: 97

She was the Grand Mother of: Ennis-Ann Thomas, Joyce Thomas Peters in Grenada, Kathleen Parke in the USA, Aaron Williams and Cindy Williams in Trinidad

Great Grand Mother of: Abigail Thomas, Ricky Thomas, Ennis-Marsha Emmanuel, Cynthia & Melissa Parke

Great Great Grand Mother of: Alisha, Rico & Joshua

Sister of: Angela Mark also known as “Angiel Campbell” in Trinidad

Aunt of: Lenzal Moses, Jean Lewis, Hennie Fortune, Cecil Easton, Eric and Winston James, Merle, Clarence and Louise

Great Aunt of 52 in Grenada Carriacou, Trinidad, USA & Canada including: Raymond Toussaint

Great Great Aunt of: 62 in Grenada, Trinidad, USA & Canada

Many other relatives and friends including: Ray Peters, Victor Parke, Lystra Williams, the Mark family of Paradise, Diana & patsy Thomas, Pauline McEwen, Leslie-Ann Lazarus, Itha Date, Mr. Peters & family, the Lazarus family of Paradise, Mr Alexander Radgman, Miss Margaret Thomas, Lennox McSween, matron and Staff of the Cadrona Home and Princess Alice Hospital friends and neighbours of Paradise



Lindy Jones Of: Sauteurs, St. Patrick - Employee of St. Rose Secondary School, Passed away on: Monday 28th February, 2011 At the Age of: 48

She was the Daughter of: Louisa Jolly

Her Fiancé: Bernard Mitchell

Mother of: Linton Jones - Member of the Royal G’da Police Force attached to SSU, Kanisha Jones employed with Insurance Consultants G’da Ltd

Sister of: Douglas Jones in Trinidad, Roy and Pearl Canning in the USA, Gloria Jones in Canada, Dr. Christine Garret-Joseph, Yolande Jones employed with Kalico and Andy Jones employed with Creative Design

Niece of: Avis Jolly

Aunt of many including: Genise, Shermaine, Sitsi, Maxine, Petrina, Sharrie, Kayon, Trisha, Devron, Kiana, Roydel, Madieo, Sasha, Nessa

Grand Aunt of: Shenique, Izaiah, Leah, Krystal, Shadelle, Kamad and Donniick

Other relatives and friends including: Teacher Sherma, Ellen, Unna, Hon. Sylvester- Quarless, Hildebrand, Lynty and Gillian in the USA, Alonie Thomas, Melissa Garraway, Jennifer, the Jolly, Hosten, Jones and Lewis families, Principal and Staff of St. Rose Secondary School, Members of St. Patrick’s Anglican Church, friends and neighbours of Sauteurs

